HRCC Faculty Feature October

October 11, 2022

About her work: 

Media multitasking is an overarching focus of Dr. Kononova's interdisciplinary and international research that lies in the intersection of three areas: media and technology use across different cultures and social groups; psychological responses to media devices and persuasive messages; and advertising and digital literacy. A large body of her media multitasking research is devoted to exploring the effects of this behavior on cognition, emotion, rationalization, and resistance to persuasion. Dr. Kononova has found that switching between online tasks and using multiple screen devices at the same time negatively affect memory for mediated content, elicit less skeptical responses to persuasive messages (e.g., health and advertising messages), and hinder rational choices (e.g., choice of healthful snacks). Dr. Kononova has been studying health technology and media use and multitasking across the lifespan, focusing on older adults. 

Dr. Kononova's words appeared in highly ranked peer-reviewed journals, such as Computers in Human Behavior, Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking, International Journal of Communication, Journal of Health Communication, Journal of Medical Internet Research: mHealth and uHealth, and others. 


Learn more about her work here: 

Selected Publications 

Kononova, A., Kim, W., Lynch, K., & Joo, E. (2020). Click, click, ad: The probability of congruent and incongruent ads in paginated online stories affects brand recognition and ad clicking intentions. International Journal of Advertising, 39(7), 1031-1058.  

Kononova, A., Joshi, P., & Cotten, S. (2019). Contrary to Myth, Older Adults Multitask With Media and Technologies, But Studying Their Multitasking Behaviors Can Be Challenging. Innovation in Aging, 3(4).  

Kononova, A., McAlister, A., & Oh, H.J. (2018). Screen overload: Pleasant multitasking with screen devices leads to the choice of healthful over less healthful snacks when compared with unpleasant multitasking. Computers in Human Behavior, 80, 1-11. First published online on October 27, 2017.  

Kononova, A., Joo, E., & Yuan, S. (2016). If I choose when to switch: Heavy multitaskers remember online content better than light multitaskers when they have the freedom to multitask. Computers in Human Behavior, 65, 567-575. DOI: 10.1016/j.chb.2016.09.011